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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pinterest Has The Best Crafts!

The idea behind this is to make pre-planned dates for each month. That way when life becomes too busy to slow down, you already have something planned. It might even be a surprise if you forget what's in each envelope!

No one likes to be in the hospital. Why not make someone a little survival kit to keep them busy while on bed rest? Candy, mags, books, toothbrush/paste or anything to pass the time!

A bedazzled Nintendo controller, are you kidding me? This is absolutely awesome and I have got to try this. Bedazzle the controller, console, the games, to anything that needs bedazzling (which is everything).
Apple candle holders? Do they smell good? Does this really work? I'm intrigued. Whether it works or not, this looks very cool and Fallish.
Someone took an old entertainment center and turn it into a play kitchen for their kids!!!!! I am considering making one for myself because it looks so cool. I don't even have kids. I had a play kitchen when I was little and thought it was the greatest thing. What a smart, creative person to create this!

By the way, I found all these pictures from www.pinterest.com. I love that website and could spend hours there. I highly recommend it.

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